Nursing Anesthesia Simulation Laboratory Use Policy

Nursing Anesthesia Simulation Laboratory Use Policy
This policy is intended to facilitate the fair allocation, efficient use and reasonable charges for all clients of the Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences – School of Nurse Anesthesia Simulation Laboratory (the “Lab”). Clients of the Lab include: University departments or organizations, University co-sponsored groups and external groups.
This policy may be modified for a specific activity at the discretion of the School of Nurse Anesthesia Administration if it is in the best interest of all involved (TCU, organization, activity participants).
The physical address of the Lab is:
2800 W. Bowie Street, Fort Worth, TX 76109
The Lab is located on the first floor of the Annie Richardson Bass Building (ARB) in rooms 1208, 1209, 1210, 1212 and 1213.
- University Department or Organization: Organization officially recognized by the University.
- University Co-Sponsored: Definition is determined by Conference Services (see Appendix A for definition and criteria).
- External Group: Any group that does not qualify in the first two categories and/or any group with more than fifty percent of their attendees who are not TCU affiliated.
During an emergency or a drill, Lab occupants are expected to follow all instructions given to them by the ARB Building Deputy or Emergency Floor Officers (EFO). The Deputy and EFOs will assist in evacuation and securing buildings during emergencies.
The ARB Building storm shelter locations include the first floor corridor from rooms 1205A to 1207, 1209, and 1214, office suite 1201, and restrooms.
In the event of fire, the ARB building alarm and sprinkler system will activate; all occupants of the Lab are expected to leave the building immediately.
Additional Requirements for Co-Sponsored & External Groups
All co-sponsored and external groups who wish to reserve space in the Lab will be referred to Conference Services to complete contract(s) and documentation required for the learning activity or event. These groups will complete the Special Events Application form found on TCU Conference Services website. The Lab Director will be notified of the request by Conferences Services and will have ten business days to approve the scheduled activity or event.
TCU requires co-sponsored groups and external groups using the Lab to adhere to all of TCU’s regulations, policies, guidelines and all local, state and federal laws concerning health, safety and public order. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the forfeiture of the privilege of using TCU facilities and services or termination of TCU agreements. TCU regulations include, but are not limited to, the following in TCU buildings and on TCU property:
- Smoking is prohibited in all buildings.
- Minors require direct supervision at all times while on campus.
- Attaching any object to any TCU premise by tape, nail, screw or alteration of the premises in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from Conference Services is not permitted. No signs are to be attached to the outside walls of any TCU facility.
- All visitors are expected to comply with TCU traffic regulations. Parking is allowed only in the white-lined spaces. There is no parking or driving on ANY non-paved area.
- All facilities must be left in the condition found. Any damages or excessive clean-up will be billed after the event. No furniture may be moved into or out of the Lab.
- TCU prohibits alcoholic beverages in all areas of the campus without written permission.
- The illegal possession, manufacture, distribution, use or sale of any quantity of any drug, narcotic or any controlled substance or being illegally under the influence of any drug, narcotic or any controlled substance is prohibited.
- Tampering with the fire system or with fire fighting equipment is a violation of the Fort Worth City Ordinance. EVERYONE MUST evacuate the building when an alarm is sounded. All violators are subject to persecution and fine ($400) by the University as well as city authorities.
- Possession, ignition or detonation of any explosive device, fireworks liquid or flammable object is prohibited. This includes any hazardous materials, and any and all firearms.
- Candles and open flames may not be used in any building.
- All security arrangements must be made through TCU Conference Services. The number of officers required for each event is at the discretion of the TCU Police.
For groups co-sponsored by a TCU Department and all external groups, a certificate of liability insurance is required reflecting TCU as an additionally named insured under the policy. Limits should provide not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate. A copy of the certificate of insurance must be sent to TCU Conference Services prior to the activity. Specific information is available here.