Summer Camps & Conference Manual

Camp Site Staff
You may wish to pack include: sheets, pillows, towels, hangers, reading lamp, alarm clock, detergent for laundry machines, personal toiletries including soap and shampoo, table tennis paddles, and change for vending machines.
Conference Services will want to have a pre-conference meeting with the main camp contact at least two weeks before your arrival. At the pre-conference meeting you will have an opportunity to meet the various TCU staff who will be responsible for your residence hall(s), meal service and facility use. We'll discuss and confirm all of your camp/conference service arrangements. Please bring your camp/conference agenda to the meeting.
If space is available, rooms within the residence hall may be reserved for special purposes such as a camp store, storage room or conference office. Arrangements for rooms designated for special use must be made in advance of conference check-in. Residence hall rooms assigned as a camp store, storage room or conference office will be billed at a special room rate. TCU will not be responsible for any items left in hallways, lounges or common areas.
Temporary parking passes are necessary for guest cars during your conference/camp stay. Conference Services can provide these passes for you. Please instruct other staff as well as your guests to follow campus parking regulations by avoiding fire lanes, handicap parking spaces, loading dock areas, and parking spaces outlined in red. You may park in any student parking spaces outlined with a white curb or no color at all.
TCU Housing and Residence Life (HRL) provide check-in and check-out services for you. During that time you will go to the HRL Summer Camps and Conferences Office at Moncrief Hall to check-in and check-out. TCU staff will be present to distribute resident hall keys. You must have at least one staff member from your camp or conference present as a contact for your participants.
Residential youth camps and conferences must have at least one counselor for every 10 youth residing in the residence hall. Counselors are responsible for the behavior and safety of youth while they are guests in university residence halls and other university facilities. Counselors must be with youth at all times. Housing staff cannot give access for guests to get into the residence halls.
If you anticipate that your conference participants will need assistance with luggage, please assign your camp/conference staff to assist guests with bags.
Please instruct groups using buses to park the vehicles in the stadium parking lot.
Guest mail and packages are delivered Monday through Friday to Conference Services and we will contact the camp coordinator to deliver packages.
Guest mail should be addressed using this format:
All TCU residence halls are air-conditioned and smoke-free.
Residence Halls have many wonderful amenities. You may notice other residence hall supplies, gaming systems, TVs, brooms or other items. These items are not available to our camps and conference guests as they belong to the residence hall and TCU students. A conference host living in the residence hall will supervise the operation of the residence hall. Their role is that of a host and resource to you and your participants. The host is not responsible for supervision of guests, and will report any unacceptable behavior to you and your staff.
HRL Summer Camps and Conferences have a centralized office to provide any assistance regarding residential questions and concerns. The front desk is staffed 9am-11pm daily. We also have an on-call number for any after-hours concerns.
In the event the fire alarm sounds while conference participants are in campus facilities, it is mandatory that all group members evacuate the building immediately, no matter what the cause of the alarm. Fire escape routes are posted on the inside of each residence hall room door. The hall staff will announce when it is safe to re-enter the building. There is a $400 fine for a fire alarm that is deliberately triggered without emergency cause. The City of Fort Worth also fines groups if the residence hall is not completely evacuated.
Furniture may not be removed from residence hall rooms or lounge areas into individual rooms. Furniture must be in the same arrangement as provided and no adjustments should be made to bed height. (Charges for damaged or missing furniture are billed at cost.)
Each residence hall guest is issued a room key. There will be a $75-$150 charge for any lost keys based on room style. Keys not turned in to the Summer Conference Housing Desk upon check-out shall be considered lost. Replacement cost for building (outside door) key is $20.
TCU does not take up a key deposit. We strongly suggest that you do so. All charges for lost keys are added to camp bill. Please be certain that conference guests return all keys directly to the conference host upon checkout to ensure that their keys are not counted as lost.
Micro-fridges are available for use in each room, but they must be cleaned thoroughly prior to check out. There is a $45 fee for each micro-fridge left in need of cleaning.
For security, residence hall doors remain locked at all times. Therefore, you must coordinate sufficient building keys and staff to provide access to residence halls as needed. Because propped outside doors seriously compromise the safety of all hall residents, TCU assesses a $100 fine for each incident of a propped residence hall door. Hosts cannot let guests into the residence halls without appropriate camp staff being present.
Snack and laundry vending facilities are located in each residence hall. Please remember that residence hall offices do not have change.
Residents of legal age, twenty-one and over, may possess and consume alcoholic beverages in their private residence hall rooms and in the rooms of others twenty-one years of age and older. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all hallways, stairways, elevators, lobbies, lounges, recreation areas, restrooms and all other public areas of the residence hall. Kegs and containers larger than one gallon used for alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere on campus.
Articles left in residence hall rooms are taken to the Conference Services Office. Lost and found items must be claimed in person and cannot be mailed to owners.
Conference signage and method of posting must be cleared with TCU Conference Services prior to check-in. Attaching objects to a TCU premise with tape, nail, or screw or alteration of the premises in any manner is not permitted. All resulting damages will be billed to the group.
Rates quoted in this document are subject to change without notice from the university.
No outside food or beverages may be brought into the Brown-Lupton University Union (BLUU) or King Family Commons Building.
Conference/camp dining halls can accommodate cash/credit card customers; meal types and payment type plans must be communicated in advance through the group on the Master Registration Sheet. Union Grounds is available in the University Union Monday through Friday for those wishing to purchase meals and/or snacks.
Although TCU Conference Services will be your liaison for all food service during your campus stay, please remember that Sodexo will bill all food service charges.
Only adult guests may use recreational facilities on a pass basis. The group as a whole must be cleared for pass purchases. Please contact Conference Services if you wish to have your guests use the recreational facilities during free play hours, which are limited in scope. After approval, passes may be purchased at the Recreation Center for $5/pp/day or $20/pp/week.
Residential guests must make advance arrangements for access to Mary Couts Burnett Library. As in all areas of the campus, an adult counselor must accompany youth.
There is no on-campus health care available for outside groups. Conference Services will provide you with a list of off-campus medical facilities along with directions to each of those facilities. In an event of an emergency, please dial *7777 from any campus phone or 817-257-7777 from outside lines for immediate assistance with on-campus emergencies.
Before arrival and after check-out, TCU will conduct a walkthrough of all residential spaces used. At TCU's discretion, fines may be incurred for excessive trash or damages in the space. Groups must take their trash from residential rooms into the trash rooms on each floor. It is highly encouraged for camp leads and counselors to join TCU on the post-camp walkthrough, if possible.
If a facility or medical emergency occurs, please call TCU Police from any campus telephone. The emergency number is 7777. TCU Police will immediately summons an ambulance and/or fire truck. They will also meet emergency vehicles to direct drivers to the campus emergency site. TCU Police may also be contacted from any one of the numerous outdoor emergency phone boxes located throughout campus grounds and parking lots. Please do not hesitate to contact TCU Police for assistance.
You will receive a list of phone numbers for contacting conference staff 24 hours a day. Conference Services will also give you directions to area medical facilities. If any type of medical injury or any type of disruption occurs during your visit, please complete an incident report and contact Conference Services immediately.
Summer camp and conference groups are responsible for developing their own health and safety protocols. We encourage all groups to establish a plan for contact tracing and notifications. Any positive COVID cases must be reported to TCU Conference Services immediately.
Reservations are made at the Super Shuttle phone in the terminal. Shuttles depart every 30 minutes from D/FW Airport. Return arrangements must be made two hours prior to a desired pick-up time.

Camp Guests
Items you may wish to pack: hangers, reading lamp, alarm clock, detergent for laundry machines, personal toiletries including soap and shampoo, table tennis paddles, and change for vending machines. You will need to bring sheets, a pillow and towels.
The 24-hour campus emergency telephone number (TCU Police) is (817) 257-7777. This number is to be used for emergencies only. (Note: if the emergency is a housing assignment emergency, refer to the phone number provided by your camp/conference leader.)
After you arrive on campus, you will learn the phone number of your residence hall office, where your family and friends may leave routing messages during office hours. Messages can also be routed through Conference Service’s office at (817) 257-7641. Please inform your family and friends that residence hall staff will be happy to post a message for you, but they will not be able to find you for a telephone call. Please check the message board frequently.
It is very important that you communicate any special needs to your conference coordinator prior to your check-in.
Micro fridges are available for use in each room, but they must be cleaned thoroughly prior to check out. There is a $45 fee for each micro fridge left unclean. Lost keys are $75-150, so please keep your key in a safe location. Keys must be turned in at time of check-out to avoid fee.
To keep lines open for incoming calls, camp and conference participants are not allowed to use the residence hall office phone. Moncrief Residence Hall will be staffed for small conference housing needs. Guest messages are posted on the hall bulletin board in the residence hall lobby. Please check the bulletin board regularly for messages.
For security, residence hall doors remain locked at all times. Never prop locked doors! Because propped doors seriously compromise your safety and the security of all hall residents, TCU assesses a $100 fine for each incident of a propped residence hall door. Hosts cannot let guests into the residence halls without appropriate camp staff being present.
Temporary parking passes are necessary for guest cars for all camps and conferences. Conference Services can provide those passes for you. Please follow campus parking regulations by avoiding fire lanes, handicap parking spaces, loading dock areas, and parking spaces outlined in red. You may park in any student parking spaces outlined with a white curb or no color at all. Buses may park in the stadium or coliseum parking lots.
Snack and laundry vending facilities are located in each residence hall. Please remember that the residence hall office will not have change. You may want to bring a roll of quarters.
Residents of legal age twenty-one and over may possess and consume alcoholic beverages in their private residence hall rooms and in the rooms of others twenty-one years of age and older. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all hallways, stairways, elevators, lobbies, lounges, recreation areas, restrooms and all other public areas of the residence hall. Kegs and containers larger than one gallon that are used for alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere on campus.
Articles left in residence hall rooms are taken to the Conference Services Office after the conference. Lost and found items must be claimed in person and cannot be mailed to owners. Please call Conference Services at (817) 257-7641 if you need to claim a lost article.
Rates quoted in this document are subject to change without notice from the University.
- Smoking is prohibited in all buildings.
- Minors require direct supervision at all times while on campus.
- Attaching any object to any TCU premise by tape, nail, screw or alteration of the premises in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission from Conference Services is not permitted. No signs are to be attached to the outside walls of any TCU facility without prior written permission.
- All visitors are expected to comply with TCU traffic regulations. Parking is allowed only in the white-lined spaces. There is no parking or driving on ANY non-paved area.
- All facility and residence hall rooms must be left in the condition found. Any damages or excessive clean-up will be billed after the event. No furniture may be moved out of the residence hall rooms or from lounge areas into individual rooms.
- TCU prohibits alcoholic beverages in all areas of the campus without written permission. Residents of legal age twenty-one (21) or over may possess and consume alcoholic beverages in their residence hall rooms only. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in all hallways, stairways, elevators, lobbies, lounges, recreation areas, restrooms and all other areas of residence halls. Kegs and any other containers larger than one gallon used for alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere on campus. If approved, alcohol cut off times are 30 minutes before end of event time scheduled.
- The illegal possession, manufacture, distribution, use or sale of any quantity of any drug, narcotic or any controlled substance or being illegally under the influence of any drug, narcotic or any controlled substance is prohibited.
- Tampering with the fire system or with fire fighting equipment is a violation of the Fort Worth City Ordinance. EVERYONE MUST evacuate the building when an alarm is sounded. All violators are subject to persecution and fine ($400) by the University as well as city authorities.
- Possession, ignition or detonation of any explosive device, fireworks liquid or flammable object is prohibited. This includes any hazardous materials.
- TCU is a weapons-free campus and all firearms, whether openly carried or in a concealed manner, are strictly prohibited on the TCU Campus and other TCU property except in the limited exceptions identified in University policy 2.060.
- Candles and open flames may not be used in any building without permission from Conference Services.
- No shoes with cleats are allowed in any facility. Only white-soled court shoes (tennis shoes) are allowed on University Recreation Center gym floors.
- No cut-offs are allowed in the University Recreation Center pool.
- All security arrangements must be made through TCU Conference Services. The number of officers required for each event is at the discretion of the TCU Police.
Counselor Expectations
TCU requires all youth camps and conferences to provide a minimum of one adult counselor for every ten youth.
Note: In the course of all conference activities, counselors must accompany campers at all times. Instances of unsupervised minors will incur a $350 fine.
Counselors are responsible for the conduct of group members. In addition to any rules and regulations that your conference may have, all TCU policies must be thoroughly communicated and enforced.
If a TCU fire alarm is intentionally pulled or triggered by one of your group participants when there is not an actual threat of fire, your group is billed the $400 fine that the Fort Worth Fire Department issues to TCU for false alarms.
In addition to policies not specifically communicated, we expect your group to observe common sense guidelines for safe and acceptable behavior. For example, at no time should anyone exit or enter campus buildings through windows. Keep windows closed at all times for security and to facilitate efficient functioning of the air conditioning system.
Please keep noise to a minimum after 10pm. This includes areas outside the residence halls as well as inside, as the noise is disruptive to other conference participants.
Before arrival and after check-out, TCU will conduct a walkthrough of all residential spaces used. At TCU's discretion, fines may be incurred for excessive trash or damages in the space. Groups must take their trash from residential rooms into the trash rooms on each floor. It is highly encouraged for camp leads and counselors to join TCU on the post-camp walkthrough, if possible.
Specific rules for visitation are made at the discretion of each individual conference coordinator. It is the responsibility of conference counselors to enforce their own group visitation policy.
The residence hall doors are locked at all times. Residents can exit all building doors at any time, but are able to enter the building only when accompanied by an adult with a building key. Please stress to your conference participants the importance of NOT PROPPING DOORS.
If an injury requiring emergency medical attention occurs, please call Campus Police from any campus phone. The phone number is 817-257-7777. Campus Police will immediately summon an ambulance. They will also meet the emergency vehicle in order to expedite its arrival to your campus location. If you call an ambulance by using 9-1-1, please call Campus Police as well so that they may assist the ambulance in finding the medical emergency.
You can contact Campus Police from any one of the numerous outdoor emergency phone boxes located throughout campus grounds. Please do not hesitate to contact Campus Police for assistance when needed.
Summer camp and conference groups are responsible for developing their own health and safety protocols. We encourage all groups to establish a plan for contact tracing and notifications. Any positive COVID cases must be reported to TCU Conference Services immediately.
In the event the fire alarm sounds while conference participants are in the residence hall, it is imperative that all group members evacuate the building immediately, no matter what the cause of the alarm. Fire escape routes are posted on the inside of each residence hall room door. The hall staff will announce when it is safe to re-enter the building.
If at any time you notice a residence hall facility emergency such as a flooding toilet, please notify the Conference Host as soon as possible. Other problems that require attention such as burned out light bulbs, should be reported to the Conference Host during normal desk hours. Please do not hesitate to contact a TCU staff member for assistance.