Mary Couts Burnett Library Lab Use Policy

Rooms 3181/3182 & 1208
Due to high library usage, the instruction rooms 31831/82, and the conference room 1208 may not be reserved for non-library groups at all during the following time periods:
- Fall Semester: Beginning with the first week of classes until October 31st
- Spring Semester: Beginning with the first week of classes until Spring Break
During this time period, LI sessions will have first call on the listed rooms. The liaison librarians will appreciate flexibility by the scheduling library staff if a last minute LI is received and the space is already booked. Library staff needing to use one of the above rooms are requested to check with the Head of Reference (currently Linda Chenoweth) regarding instruction needs before reserving the room.
Outside the high use times identified above, TCU groups from outside the library can request use of one of these rooms by emailing the Head of Reference and the Associate Dean of the Library (currently Linda Chenoweth and Tracy Hull). A group can only book the room 1 day in a row for a maximum of 3 hours; the same group may not book the room more than 2 times during the same week. A non-library group can only book one of the listed rooms up to one week in advance of the event. Exceptions will require the approval of the Head of Reference and LibAdmin.
Use by non-TCU groups or students is permitted when Library Administration has determined that the use builds goodwill for TCU, or otherwise contributes to the mission of the University.
Outside Groups
When the space is booked for any group outside the library, a library employee will be designated as the contact person for the event. That person is responsible for:
- Finding out if there are technology needs, and conveying such needs to Library Systems. NOTE: Laptops stored in these rooms may not be used by non-TCU groups. If a TCU group would like to use the computers, this information is needed at the time of reservation. The group is responsible for ensuring that all equipment is returned to the cabinet correctly (logged off, connected to charger, in the correct slot).
- Opening the room when the group contact arrives. This may be delegated with the prior approval of the delegate.
- Making sure that the group contact knows how to use the equipment, and understands which items can be turned on/off and which cannot.
- Reviewing the requirements with the group’s contact person as listed in the next section.
- Ensuring the room is left in the default configuration, and re-locked. Instructions and diagrams will be available for all rooms.
Any non-library group booking the room must provide the name, phone number, and email of the person who will be responsible for ensuring that:
- The designated library contact is informed when someone has arrived who will be responsible for the use of the space.
- The technology is treated appropriately.
- The room setup is returned to the default configuration when the group is finished.
- Any trash is collected and in the appropriate receptacle.
- Library personnel are notified any time the room is empty so that it can be locked.
Food & Beverage
Groups may offer food and beverage to attendees. The group making the reservation is responsible for all arrangements to provide refreshments, including clean-up. Food may only be delivered the day of the event. The library is not responsible for providing any serving dishes, cups, napkins, or any other accessory required for food service. Outside groups will acknowledge familiarity with the University catering rules, if the group plans on providing refreshments.